Duolingo : American Sign Language

Digital Media:
Instagram Story

The goal of this set of advertisements was to target a specific subculture, individuals of the deaf community and their loved ones. Duolingo specializes in aiding individuals form and cultivate connection through language education, now they can continue to do this with their addition of ASL to the app!


Learn with us. Connect with others.

Subway Print

Due to the short time Instagram stories remain on one’s phone, it was essential for this advertisement to convey the big idea quickly. This advertisement utilizes a light hearted approach that talking louder might not be the solution when communicating with individuals apart of the deaf community or hard-hearing individuals. Then the text suggest that signing might solve this problem and provides an easy way for the viewer to download Duolingo by clicking below.

Our target audience resides in an urban city where they have to rely on public transportation. Therefor, placing our advertisements in the subway station or train cars allows for our audience to view this ad quickly and frequently. The use of the societal meaning of the hand signal in contrast with the ASL meaning displays the disconnect within society while tying in something that is universal among most individuals, emojis. Our solution for this disconnect: download Duolingo, learn with us and connect with others.

Digital Media:
Instagram Caracul

The third set of digital advertisement are for an Instagram caracul to be paired with the Instagram story. These slides are a combination between the print advertisement and the story due to the slide feature allowing us to propose and answer a question. This allows our viewer to spend more time viewing our post due to the curiosity of the next slides.

Guerrilla Marketing:
Subway Pole

Our target audience relies on the subway for their public transportation daily. Therefore, a primary location to place a guerrilla marketing advertisement is on the subway. Due to our big idea focusing on connection, we utilized the Duo mascot to hang from the pole so that subway riders can hold on to his wing while standing. Here “you can hold” duos hand, connecting with the bird. I also decided to pair this with a print subway advertisement that exclaims “Hold on!”, similar to the hanging mascot, encouraging viewers to scan the code to learn American Sign Language.

Creatively Designed by KDA

SQSP Magazine

Krispy Kreme